Campus Voting at 不良研究所 - Provincial Election 2024

A provincial election will be occurring in New Brunswick on October 21, 2024, and voting has never been easier for students! Campus voting stations will be set up at 不良研究所 on Tuesday, October 15th to Thursday, October 17th, 2024 from 9am – 6pm in Sir James Dunn Hall, adjacent to Tim Hortons. 


To vote, you must be:      

  • a Canadian citizen,

  • at least 18 years of age by Election Day,

  • ordinarily resident somewhere in New Brunswick for at least 40 days before Election Day.

If you are a first-time voter, you will require identification that shows your name, signature and current address. A New Brunswick driver's license contains all three and is the ideal piece of identification. Other options may include:

  • a lease agreement,

  • a utility bill,

  • a student ID and C 05 217, Proof of Address for Students Living on Campus,

  • other documentation that provides the above three requirements.

If you are currently living in residence and require a Proof of Address for Students Living on Campus, please contact Jeremy Fowler (jfowler@不良研究所.CA).


Students who are ordinarily resident in one electoral district in New Brunswick but are attending a post-secondary institution elsewhere in the province have the unique opportunity to have their name placed either on the List of Electors in their "home" electoral district and vote for a candidate in that district, or to have their name placed on the List of Electors for the electoral district where they are living while going to school.


If a student from another province declares that New Brunswick is now their home (i.e. their ordinary residence), and has lived in New Brunswick for at least 40 days, that student can apply to be added to the List of Electors and to vote. It is important to remember, however, that NO ONE can be ordinarily resident in more than one province at the same time, regardless of where they temporarily reside or for what purpose they are residing there.


Please call 1-888-858-8683 or see  for more information.